Privacy Policy

Version dated 19.10.2023

Hey there, fabulous TWEEZY platform users!

Let's lighten things up a bit as we spill the tea on how we handle your personal data. Grab your reading glasses because we're about to embark on a breezy journey through the world of privacy on our platform.

We totally get that privacy is as important as having a croissant with your morning coffee. That's why we're fully committed to processing your data in strict compliance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 (aka the "IEL Act") and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of April 27, 2016.

So, while you're dancing through the glitter rain of memes and tweets on TWEEZY, rest assured that we're taking care of your personal info like a warm baguette fresh out of the oven.

No worries here – your data is safe and sound with us, like a perfectly baked éclair in a patisserie.

If you've got any questions about this privacy soiree, feel free to shoot us a message. We're here for you, just like a French pastry chef with a tray full of freshly baked macarons!
Who are we and how do we use your data ?

AURALES SAS, the brains behind TWEEZY, is a chill French company (officially known as a simplified limited liability thing) rocking it in the Fréjus Trade and Companies Register under number 809 565 906. You can find them at 12, Boulevard des Fauvettes, SAINTE-MAXIME, France.
And just in case you were wondering, they're all legit with the VAT number FR16953139235, SIREN 953139235, SIRET 95313923500014.

Alrighty then, let's sprinkle a bit of charm on the role of AURALES SAS (aka TWEEZY) as the mastermind behind the scenes, pulling the strings as the Data Controller for your personal data. Here's the lowdown on what we do to make your TWEEZY experience a delightful one:

To give you access to all the services offered by the Platform, in particular:
Maestro of Access: We're here to grant you access to all the cool services the Platform has to offer. It's like your backstage pass to the TWEEZY extravaganza.

Matchmaker Extraordinaire: We play matchmaker by recommending Creators/Users based on your preferences and ensuring those lovely messages from Creators reach your digital doorstep.

Guardian of Good Vibes: We keep things classy by moderating the content and messages you come across. It's like having a digital bouncer to ensure your online experience is top-notch.

Cybersecurity Superhero: Ever wonder who's safeguarding the digital fortress where your data resides? That's us! We're on duty to ensure the cybersecurity of the computer systems hosting your precious info.

Data Custodian: When it's time to bid farewell to some data or stash it away in the archives, we're on it. Think of us as the Marie Kondo of digital data.

Innovation Enthusiast: We're on a mission to make the Platform better, cooler, and more awesome. It's a continuous journey of improvement for your ultimate enjoyment.

Cookie Connoisseur: Managing cookies is our gig. We make sure those digital crumbs are doing their job to keep the Platform running smoothly.

Your Platform Buddy: From validating your account to guiding you through the wonders of TWEEZY, we're your trusty companions on this digital adventure.

So, there you have it! AURALES SAS (TWEEZY) – your data's guardian angel, matchmaker, cybersecurity guru, and all-around Platform wizard. If you ever need a digital high-five or have questions, we're just a message away.

To allow you to use our payment service providers, in particular :
Behold, the next chapter in the epic saga of AURALES SAS (aka TWEEZY), the mighty Data Controller on a mission! Here's the scoop on how we wield our digital powers to make financial magic happen for you:

Payment Maestro: We're the wizards behind the scenes, making sure our Users have seamless payment options to snag that awesome Content. It's like having your own digital wallet at the ready.

Creators' Financial Fairy Godparents: For our amazing Creators and Ambassadors, we provide the enchanting means to whisk their hard-earned income straight to their bank accounts. It's the modern-day fairy tale of getting paid for your creative endeavors.

Number Crunching Sorcery: Enter the mystical realm of internal accounting! We're here to keep the financial books in order, ensuring everything adds up and aligns with the cosmic forces of tax requirements. It's like having a magical accountant on speed dial.

So, whether you're a User shopping for captivating Content, a Creator counting your well-earned coins, or just someone who appreciates the art of financial sorcery, rest assured, we're on it.

If you ever find yourself in need of financial enlightenment or have questions about the magical world of payments, drop us a line. We're here to ensure your financial journey on TWEEZY is as smooth as a wizard's spell.

To promote our Platform, in particular:
As the mystical Data Controller, AURALES SAS (aka TWEEZY) continues its saga, here's how we sprinkle a touch of enchantment in the realms of promotion, communication, and feedback:

Promo Pioneers: Brace yourselves for the magic of promotional codes, support, and a treasure trove of useful resources. We're like the fairy godparent of deals, here to make your TWEEZY experience even more delightful.
Social Sorcerers: Ever wondered who's behind the scenes on our social networks? Spoiler alert: it's us! We're the architects of tweets, the maestros of posts, and the guardians of the comment section. Follow us for a daily dose of TWEEZY awesomeness!
Review Responders: Leave a review about us on various sites, and consider it our invitation to a cosmic conversation. We're here to respond, address your thoughts, and maybe even sprinkle a bit of digital confetti for good measure.

Whether you're in it for the promos, social chatter, or just sharing your thoughts, know that AURALES SAS is here, weaving the digital tapestry that is your TWEEZY experience.

Should you ever seek guidance, wish to unlock secret codes, or just want to chat about the latest posts, we're all ears. Your digital adventure is our priority!

To resolve any disputes and respond to request from authorities, in particular :
Hear ye, valiant users of TWEEZY, as we unveil the final chapters of AURALES SAS's epic role as the Data Controller. In the ever-evolving saga, witness how we navigate the realms of legality, user rights, and the cosmic battle against leaks:
Legal Guardians: In the vast kingdom of legal disputes, fear not! We're your trusty knights, armed with the legal code and ready to champion your cause. Whether it's settling differences or vanquishing legal dragons, we're on the case.
Rights' Champions: Behold the mighty GDPR shield! Your rights are sacred, and we're here to ensure they are honored. Should you wish to exercise your GDPR rights, consider us your champions, ready to respond to your noble requests.
Authority Allies: When judicial and administrative authorities come knocking, we stand at the gates, ready to respond. It's like having a legal squire at your service, ensuring we play by the rules of the digital realm.
Guardians of the Digital Realm: Leaks of Platform Content, beware! We're the vigilant sentinels, combating leaks on the web like knights protecting the kingdom. Your TWEEZY experience is a sacred space, and we'll defend it against the forces of information mischief.

So, whether you find yourself in the midst of a legal duel, exercising your GDPR rights, or combating digital leaks, know that AURALES SAS is here to champion your cause.

If you ever need legal counsel, have GDPR quests, or want to report a leaky situation, send forth your digital messenger. We're standing by, ready for the call to action!

Ahoy, noble denizens of TWEEZY! Before we conclude our epic tale, let's unravel the arcane wisdom of the IEL Act and the GDPR. Behold, the mystical roles of Data Controllers and Data Processors in this digital saga:
Data Controller: The Architect of Destiny
In the grand tapestry of data processing, the Data Controller reigns supreme. Picture them as the wise ruler, deciding why and how the data dances through the digital realms. They are the architects of destiny, determining the fate and purpose of every bit and byte.
Joint Data Controllers: Allies in Destiny
Sometimes, the responsibility is shared among noble souls. When two or more Data Controllers join forces to shape the destiny of data, they become Joint Data Controllers. Together, they weave a collaborative spell, deciding the methods and purposes in harmonious unison.
Data Processor: The Executor of Commands
Enter the Data Processor, a faithful servant in this digital realm. They carry out the wishes of the Data Controller, processing personal data under the watchful eye and instructions of their digital liege. Imagine them as the skilled artisans, sculpting data with precision.
So, as you journey through the realms of TWEEZY, know that AURALES SAS stands tall as the Data Controller, steering the ship through the seas of data destiny. We shape, protect, and guide, ensuring your digital adventure unfolds with grace and purpose.
Should you ever seek clarity on this mystical hierarchy or wish to delve deeper into the secrets of data governance, send forth your digital messenger. We're here, ready to illuminate the path through the digital labyrinth!

Content: Any element shared on the Platform, be it a Creator's media item, messages through the messaging system, or any form of user-published content (text, image, video, sound, multimedia).

Data Controller: The entity, be it an individual or organization, that, alone or in collaboration, determines the purposes and methods of processing, as per Article 4 (7) of the GDPR.

Data: Personal data subject to use under this Privacy Policy.

Personal Data: Information falling under the definition of personal data according to Article 4 (1) of the GDPR.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated 27 April 2016, focusing on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

Data Processor: The entity, whether an individual or organization, entrusted to process Personal Data on our behalf, following our instructions, as per Article 4 (8) of the GDPR.

User: Any individual navigating the Platform, encompassing Users, Creators, Ambassadors, or any casual internet user.

Use/To Use: Any operation commonly known as "processing" of data, as defined by Article 4 (2) of the GDPR.

Within the intricate tapestry of TWEEZY's digital realm, these terms stand as pillars, influencing the orchestration of data processing and safeguarding. Should the need for clarity arise amidst this digital lexicon, consider our virtual doors wide open for inquiries.

Furthermore, for any capitalized terms within this Privacy Policy that haven't been defined above, their meanings can be found in our General Terms and Conditions of Use. It's akin to consulting the comprehensive guidebook that unlocks the deeper meanings of the digital symphony we weave.

Feel free to reach out, and let the harmony of understanding prevail.

Why do we use your data and on what grounds ? 

Our data collection practices adhere to a principle of precision. We exclusively gather the necessary data essential for the explicit purposes outlined below:

In the pursuit of transparency and focused data utilization, we ensure that every piece of information we collect serves a specific and clearly defined purpose. This commitment is rooted in our dedication to safeguarding your privacy and fostering a trustworthy digital environment.

Should you have any queries or seek additional details about our data collection practices, our virtual doors are perpetually ajar for your inquiries.

Allow us to shed light on a fundamental aspect: the purpose guiding our processing of your personal data. The purpose is the compass directing the usage of your data, the objective we aim to achieve. It's not just a task; it's our responsibility to elucidate this purpose and demonstrate the lawfulness that underpins it.

The lawfulness of employing your personal data corresponds to the legal basis—the authorization permitting us to gather and utilize the data. These legal bases, exhaustive in their enumeration, find their dwelling in the GDPR.

We're committed to transparency, ensuring you comprehend not only the 'what' but also the 'why' behind our data processing endeavors. If you ever seek further enlightenment on these matters, our virtual chambers stand ready for your inquiries.

Main purposeDetailLegal basis

Open the digital curtains, let the spotlight shine – we're simply making the Platform available for our awesome Users! It's like rolling out the red carpet to a digital wonderland where the fun never sleeps. ?āœØ
  • Register Users
  • Host Content on the Platform
  • Transmit messages sent by Creators via the Platform
  • Verify the age of Subscribers and certify Creators
  • Connect Subscribers with Creators and Creators with Ambassadors
  • Answer Users' questions and requests
  • Send you the documents and information you need to use our services (e.g. for Creator Certification) by e-mail, SMS, etc.
The performance of our contracts depending on whether you are a User, Creator or Ambassador
Moderate Contents on the Platform
  • Answer Users' notices
  • Ensure the removal of illicit Content from the Platform
  • Prevent the sharing of address details on the Platform
Our legal obligation to answer notices of illicit content made on the Platform (Article 6 of the french law “LCEN”, DSA). Our legitimate interests. Performance of our contracts.

Ensure the cyber security of our IT services
  • Implement security measures to ensure the smooth operation of the IT system (applications and network)
  • Test the resilience of the IT system to cyber threats
Our legal obligation to implement the technical and organisational security measures necessary to ensure the security of your data (Article 32 GDPR).

Delete and archive data
  • Meet our archiving and data purging obligations.
Our legal obligation to delete your data when it is no longer relevant to keep it (Article 5 GDPR)

Continuous improvement of the Platform
  • Ensure the smooth operation of the Platform
  • Improve the Platform by means of interview campaigns with Users
Our legitimate interest in ensuring that the Platform performs at the highest level and is of the highest quality, in particular through visitor statistics. Your consent, where required.

Manage cookies
  • Enable Users to share content on social networks
  • Measure technical performance or ergonomics
  • Measure traffic
  • Offer personalised advertising
Our legitimate interest in guaranteeing that the Platform performs at the highest level and is of the highest quality, in particular through visitor statistics. Your consent, where required

Manage payment services for Users
  • Enable payment for subscriptions and Content on the Platform
  • Fight fraud
The performance of the General Terms and Cinditions

Return Earnings to Creators and Ambassadors
  • Transfer Earnings to personal accounts
  • Monitor the financial performance of an account
  • Hold funds until the corresponding transactions have been validated
The performance of the Terms of Sales and the General Sponsor Terms

Draw up our accounts
  • Keep the company's general accounts
  • Prepare our tax returns.
Our legal obligation to keep accounting and tax documents (Article L123-22 of the French Commercial Code and Article 1649 ter A of the French General Tax Code)

Promote our Platform
  • To send you marketing, advertising and promotional messages by e-mail, SMS or any other means of communication, in accordance with applicable legal provisions, or to suggest and advise you of goods or services that may be of interest to you.
  • Promote the Platform's brand image on social networks (advertising campaigns, etc.).
  • Contact you on our networks
Our legitimate interest in recruiting new Users

Reply to reviews you leave us on various websites
  • Provide a personalised response to online reviews
Our legitimate interest in providing solutions to Users

Manage any legal disputes
  • Prepare, conduct and follow up legal proceedings
Our legitimate interest in defending our interests before the courts

Manage your requests to exercise your rights
  • Qualify requests for rights
  • Investigate requests for rights
  • Carry out the relevant technical operations
Our legal obligation under Articles 15 et seq. of the GDPR and Articles 48 et seq. of the IEL Act

Manage requests and checks from the authorities
  • Follow up and meet requests from the relevant authorities (police, independent administrative authority, etc.)
Our obligations under the various applicable regulations (GDPR, consumer code, general tax code)

Help prevent leaks of Platform Content on the web
  • Deal with your requests when a leak of Content is detected
  • Fight against websites hosting such Content
  • Hold Users responsible for acts of infringement of Content.
Our legitimate interest in ensuring that the exclusive Content hosted on the Platform is protected. The performance of the General Terms and Conditions
Send you emails
  • Send e-mails and other alerts to Users who have requested them
Our legitimate interest in ensuring that our Users are guided in their experience on the Platform.

What data do we collect and how long do we keep them ? 

Picture it like this: To bring the magic of TWEEZY to your digital doorstep, we snag a bit of your Personal Data. But fear not, we're like privacy superheroes—collecting only what's absolutely necessary. And just like a good magic trick, we promise not to keep your identifiable data longer than the magic lasts, aka for only as long as needed for the wizardry we're up to! ??

Here are the categories of Personal Data we may use:

Main purposeCollected DataDuration
Make the Platform available to Users
For our Creators and Ambassadors:
Identification data: name, first name(s), address, telephone number, email addresses, pseudonym, date of birth, data indicated in the biography, connection token.Your name, first names, date of birth, email address and telephone number are kept for a period of 5 years from the deletion of your account. Your username, biography and connection token are kept for a period of 1 year from the deletion of your account.

Creator’s MediaMedia in your Feed are immediately deleted after deleting your account. Push and Private Media (upon an order of a Subscriber) will remain available on their account until its deletion
Identity document and facial photographThis data is kept in active base for 1 year from the deletion of your account in active base. It is kept for an additional 5 years in intermediate archiving.

Connection data: connection logsThis data is deleted 12 months after collection.

For the Users: Identification data: name, first name(s), address, telephone number, email addresses, pseudonym, date of birthYour name, first names, date of birth, email address and telephone number are kept for a period of 5 years from the deletion of your account. Your username and connection token are kept for a period of 1 year from the deletion of your account.
Your accountThe account is deleted after three years of inactivity
Identity document and facial photograph (optional)This data is kept in active base for 1 year from the deletion of your account in active base. It is kept for an additional 5 years in intermediate archiving.
The facial photograph and data created to estimate the User's age are deleted immediately after receiving the result of the estimation.
Connection data: connection logsThis data is deleted 12 months after collection.
Moderate Contents on the PlatformMedia whose lawfulness is contestedIllicit Media is kept for 6 months from the date it was made inaccessible.
Name, first name and pseudonym of the person who made the report Message containing prohibited elements (contact details, meeting proposals).For our Users: for a period of between 6 years from the report or, if applicable, the deletion of the account (3 years from the last activity on the account) it being understood that the report is kept for 6 years.

For third parties reporting Content: 6 years from the report.
Ensure the cyber security of our IT servicesAll your data hosted on the Platform, in order to ensure that access to said data is secure.Until the deletion of your account (3 years from the last activity on the account)

Delete and archive dataData that requires archiving or deletion.Data is immediately deleted.

Continuous improvement of the PlatformIdentification data: Name, first name, pseudonym.2 years from collection

Recording and minutes of video interviews we conduct with you.1 year from collection for videos and 2 years for textual recordings.

Manage cookiesLogs and connection data of Users and identification data of computer equipment; Data collected via cookies and other trackers present on our Platform.Cookies and other trackers are deleted from your terminals 13 months after they are deposited. Data collected through cookies and trackers is kept for 25 months.

Manage payment services for UsersBank data; Credit card number; PayPal email address.

Data required for invoicing
The data is kept for a period of 13 months from payment for evidentiary purposes by our payment service providers. Your PAN and visual cryptograms are not kept.

Return earnings to Creators and Ambassadors
Bank data; IBAN18 months from the deletion of your account.
PayPal email address; Data required for invoicing10 years from the end of the accounting year.
Draw up our accountsOrder descriptions (amount, nature of purchase, etc.) Your tax identification data.10 years from the end of the accounting year.
Promote our PlatformIdentification data: E-mail address, phone number, Media.In the case of emailing-sms campaigns: For as long as your account exists.

In the case of advertising campaigns: For the duration of the campaign (generally 1 to 6 months from publication).
Reply to reviews you leave us on various websitesIdentification data: Name, first name, pseudonym, content of our exchanges.Your data is not kept by the Platform.

Manage any legal disputesIdentification data: Name, first name, pseudonym, content of our exchanges. Any information relevant to the dispute.This data is kept until all legal remedies are exhausted.

Manage your requests to exercise your rightsIdentification data: Email address, name, first name, content of the request.This data is kept for 6 years from the date the request is resolved.

Manage requests and checks from the authoritiesAny information that the authority requires from us. This may include : Full name, pseudonym Presumed illegal media Billing summary Connection logs (device used, etc.) Any other information useful to the authority.This data is kept for 6 years from the time it is transferred to the competent authority.

Help prevent leaks of Platform Content on the webIdentification data : Email address, surname, first name, content of the request from the Creator whose Media has been distributed.This data is kept for 6 years from the time the request to remove the content is processed.

Send you emailsIdentification data: Email address, surname, first name, account pseudonym. Contextual data: Data relating to your journey on the Platform (e.g. assistance to certify you).This data is kept for 3 years from the last contact.

How do we secure your use of TWEEZY? 
Beyond being the guardians of Content coolness, TWEEZY has a dynamic duo in action – the age-check wizards and the certification superheroes for Creators. These processes add an extra layer of sparkle, and yes, they involve a bit of data magic to keep the digital kingdom secure and awesome!

Age verification and Fan certification
To unlock the gateway to adult content on TWEEZY, Fans embark on a journey to verify their legal age, and we've got options as diverse as a digital rainbow:

Age Estimation Magic: Snap a selfie, and our partner (like the enchanting Yoti) uses facial features to estimate your age. Don't worry, the selfie and analysis data vanish into thin air once we know you're good to go.

Age Verification Mastery: Opt for the verification solution, involving a discreet chat with a third-party certifier, like a phone operator or a French administration. All hush-hush, of course!

Doubt Deflection: If there's a speck of doubt about your age, fear not. You're temporarily blocked, but a quick manual verification process awaits. Just provide a selfie and proof of identity, and our vigilant agents ensure you're good to enjoy the grown-up goodies. Your identification data hangs around for 6 years after our digital adventure together.

So, whether you're into age estimation, verification rituals, or a manual touch, we've got the keys to adult content waiting for you!

Creators’ certification
When Creators embark on the certification adventure during registration, it's a multi-step quest:

Media Marvels: Creators kick things off by uploading a bunch of cool Media on the Platform. It's like showcasing their digital prowess and setting the stage for the grand reveal.

Rejection Recovery: If, by a twist of fate, the documents face rejection, fear not! Creators can opt for a manual verification dance orchestrated by our customer relations department. Here, provided data is handled with the utmost exceptionality, hosted and processed directly by TWEEZY.

It's a certification spectacle, ensuring our Creator community is legit and ready to dazzle on the TWEEZY stage!

How can you manage the amount of email you receive? 
Ah, the Creator-User rendezvous! Here's how the magic unfolds:

Proposal Extravaganza: When a Creator is feeling inspired, they can whip up Private Media proposals and send them to a select crowd. This VIP list includes their Subscribers, past Subscribers, and Users who've shown interest—those who've Liked or Saved a piece of media, tried to subscribe, or bookmarked the Creator.Notification Symphony: When a Creator hits send, the Subscribers get a heads-up! A notification appears in the Platform's messaging realm, and a little email swoops into their inbox (the one they shared during registration). It's like a double-dose alert to ensure no one misses the Creator's digital masterpiece.
It's the art of digital connection, where Subscribers get front-row seats to the Creator's exclusive show!
In the magical realm of TWEEZY, the Creators are the maestros of their content and the guardians of User data obtained during their interactions. Here's the spellbook:
Content Custodians: Since TWEEZY doesn't control what or how often Creators send proposals, the responsibility for using User data acquired in these exchanges falls squarely on the shoulders of the Creators. This data includes, but isn't limited to, the content of messaging exchanges, User pseudonyms, or their purchase history.
Guardians of Privacy: Following the sacred scrolls of the GDPR, Creators must uphold the confidentiality of this data. They're the keepers of the digital vault, ensuring proper security measures are in place and, except in rare circumstances, refraining from passing this data to third parties.
Guiding Light: For Creators feeling a bit lost in the GDPR woods, we wave the magic wand of recommendation—reach out to a specialist advisor. It's like having a wise wizard by your side to navigate the enchanting world of data obligations.
In this dance of data responsibility, Creators craft their own destiny, ensuring the magic stays respectful, secure, and enchanting.

What types of data are automatically collected ? 
As you embark on your digital odyssey within the TWEEZY kingdom, we have a magical recorder capturing the footprints of your journey. Here's the lowdown:

Automatic Insights: When you navigate the realms of TWEEZY, connection data pirouettes into our server logs. This includes your IP address, a unique identifier, the operating system's secret hideout, the type of browser you wield, and the sacred pages you've graced with your presence.

Cookie Chronicles: For a deeper dive into the cookie jar, we beckon you to our Cookie Policy. There, you'll uncover the details of the cookies and other enchanting tracers that add a sprinkle of magic to your TWEEZY experience.

Consider it our way of crafting a personalized experience as you waltz through the digital wonderland!

Who are the recipients of your data? 

Only the authorised persons specified below can access User data.
  • The other Platform Users;
  • The authorised personnel of AURALES SAS (TWEEZY);
  • Service providers responsible for managing and hosting the Platform and IT system of AURALES (TWEEZY);
  • Service providers responsible for managing customer relations and moderating content;
  • Service providers responsible for managing payments;
  • Email service providers;
  • If applicable, the authorised personnel of our Data Processors;
  • Where appropriate, the relevant courts, mediators, accountants, statutory auditors, lawyers, bailiffs, debt collection agencies or police authorities in the case of judicial requisition;
  • Third parties that may place cookies on your terminals when you provide your consent
Your data will not be communicated, exchanged, sold or hired to any other person than those mentioned above. 

Who can you contact to exercise your rights? 

In accordance with the IeL Act and the GDPR, you have the following rights:
  • Right of access (GDPR article 15), rectification (GDPR article 16) and updating;
  • The right to erase your personal data (GDPR article 17), if it is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, out of date, or if its collection, use, disclosure or storage is prohibited;
  • The right to withdraw your consent at any time (GDPR article 13-2c);
  • The right to oppose the processing of your data (GDPR article 18);
  • The right to oppose the processing of your data (GDPR article 21);
  • The right to the portability of the data you have provided to us, in cases where your data is subject to automated processing based on your consent or on a contract (GDPR article 20);
  • The right to file a complaint with the CNIL in France (GDPR article 77);
  • The right to decide what happens to your data after your death and to choose whether or not we pass on your data to a third party that you have designated. In the event of your death and in the absence of instructions from you, we undertake to destroy your data, except if we need to keep it for evidential purposes or to meet a legal obligation.
To flex your rights, it's as simple as sending a raven, or in our case, an email to, or a good old-fashioned letter to AURALES SAS (TWEEZY) at 12, Boulevard des Fauvettes, 83120 Sainte-Maxime (France).

Should you choose to prove your identity with a copy of your ID, we'll keep it company for one (1) year, or extend the VIP treatment to three (3) years if it's part of a righteous opposition. For more juicy details about your rights in France, feel free to drop by the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés' digital dwelling at They're the wise sages overseeing the realm of data protection.

And remember, if you ever feel the need to sound the horn of complaint, you have the right to do so before this authority.

How do we keep your data secure? 
At TWEEZY, safeguarding your data is our superhero mission. Here's the enchanting vow we make alongside our trusty Data Processors:

Fortress of Security: We pledge to conjure every technical and organizational wizardry to secure the processing of personal data and keep your secrets safe. Guided by the IEL ACT, GDPR, and the dance of French law 2018-133, we're in it for the data security ball.
Risk-Ready Precautions: Tailoring our precautions to the nature of your data and the dancefloor risks, we're the guardians against data distortion, damage, or unauthorized third-party gatecrashers. Think physical fortress protection, personalized access with secret handshakes (a.k.a. confidential identifiers and passwords), encrypted passwords, connection logs, and more!
Eagle-Eyed Audits: Our information system undergoes regular audits, and we keep a watchful eye on service providers with access to your personal data. It's like having the data guardians conduct regular check-ups on our digital health.

Rest assured, your data's in good hands—guarded by the knights of encryption, the sorcerers of access, and the sentinels of secure connections.

Do we transfer your data outside of the European Union ? 
In our data dance, most of the magic happens within the enchanting borders of the European Union. Yet, because of the nature of our digital adventures, there might be times when your data takes a brief international trip.

Fear not, for when your data ventures beyond EU realms, we've woven a cloak of appropriate guarantees, ensuring its safety in accordance with regulations. Curious minds can unveil the details of these guarantees by sending a digital pigeon to or dropping a letter to AURALES SAS (TWEEZY) at 12, Boulevard des Fauvettes, 83120 Sainte-Maxime (France). We're here to keep the transparency torch burning bright!

How will you be informed of changes to the Confidentiality Policy? 
Hold on to your virtual hats! Our Privacy Policy is like a dynamic spellbook that may undergo changes, especially when the legislative winds blow or regulatory tides shift. Don't worry; we won't leave you in the dark.

For the freshest enchantments, Users can peek into the crystal ball directly on the Platform. It's where the magic of updates happens, keeping everyone in the loop with the latest twists and turns.
© 2024 Tweezy | By & for content creators, All rights reserved. Aurales SAS - Address: 12, Boulevard des Fauvettes Sainte-Maxime France